Martin Stephenson

Martin StephensonThis weekend I unpacked my turntable and dug out a number of my records. My Linn really is a thing of beauty! I have hooked up a PC to my amp and have been digitising a few records that I can't get on CD any more. (In case you are interested how, check out the Audacity web site.) Amongst my great records, I have re-discovered my Martin Stephenson & The Daintees albums, Boat To Bolivia and Gladsome, Humour & Blue. Absolutely fantastic. It's not quite the sort of stuff you'd expect me to be into, no electro kick drums or Trip-hop bass synths, just great songs and great musicians playing real instruments. I did a quick Google and found that Martin Stephenson is still going and has his own web site. Looks like there are some newer CD's I should listen to. I see he is still playing live too, I'd love to see them live again. Any way, check out their music and the web site.